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 Black Cat Appreciation Day by Marti Ronemus

Did you know that black cats are often the last adopted from shelters? Thusly, the establishment of "Black Cat Appreciation Day."

In today's hand, we'll be appreciating the Black Cat of bridge, Spades. But first, let's tackle some bidding challenges.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 Q 10 3
 A J 5 4
 5 2
 A 8 4 3
Q: 1 - South, no one vul, bids...?

 Your choice:
A: 5: This is a control-showing bid. With your holding of 11 pts, with two (!) aces, opposite Pard's 19-21 pts, you've got to explore slam. You cannot ask for aces. Why not? You don't have the right to do that unless you have first- or second-round control of all four suits. So! Your bid of 5 cannot possibly be to play; Pard will know what you're up to. His next bid will show his cheapest first-round control and you (hopefully) don't have a Black Cat crossing your path.

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Open Question

Wonderful Indian Summer in Vermont

Gray Ghost Inn
Sept 7-12**OR**Sept 21-26**OR**Oct 5-10

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You'll enjoy two bridge workshops a day, plus all Vermont has to offer.

Reservations must be made through RoadScholar. Limited classes, so don't wait. Here's the link:

Question 2

  Your Hand
 A K 9 7 5 4
 Q 10 7 3
 K 4
Q: 2 - E/W vul, what should South bid?
1pass1 no-trumpspass

 Your choice:
A: 2: Normally, with a 6-4 hand, we bid 6-4-6. With 5-5, we bid higher, lower, lower. Remember that a 1 No-trumps response is the only no-trumps bid that does NOT promise a balanced hand. Who knows what pard is hiding? 2 is way too unilateral. Bidding 2 gives pard a chance to get involved. You can always rebid the Spades. If pard passes your 2, that's a good thing, as you'll have your eight-card fit.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 Q 4
 9 8
 A K 9 2
 K Q J 8 7
Q: 3 - As South, Vul, what is your bid?

 Your choice:
A: 3: Bid what you have, not what you don't. It's becoming obvious that you don't have a major fit, so rather than settling for our nice Black Cat -- er, Club suit -- at the five-level. We don't play game in minors if there's a chance of No-trumps. You're naming a new suit, and Pard will know what you're up to. With a Heart stopper, chances are he will bid the No-trumps.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 K Q J
 K J 8 6
 Q J 9
 K 9 2
Q: 4 - E/W is Vul and we are NV. What should South bid?
1 No-trump23*4

*NOT a transfer. Today we are playing Systems Off. The bid shows 8-9 pts and five Hearts

 Your choice:
A: Double: Are Those People nuts? Our hand is beautifully defensive. True, they are probably very distributional, but they can only lose three tricks. They are going down big time. They are bidding Spades and Diamonds on air. Get your claws out and get ready to play with them like little mice. Yum.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 Q 10 9 8 6
 8 7
 A 9 4
 K Q 9
Q: 5 - No one Vul. What is South's bid?

 Your choice:
A: 4: Your partner has four Spades and an opening-ish hand. In Spades, your hand is worth game. You've got the wonderful ninth trump also. In just a minute, you're going to play this hand, and have to put your money where your mouth is. Ready?

Your result so far:
Open Question

Play this Hand

Now that you've bid five hands, let's see how your play goes.

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