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 Opening leads against Weak Two's by Linda J Green

When the opening bid is a Weak Two the stronger hand is going to be the dummy. Therefore we should make an aggressive lead to get our tricks as quickly as possible. Timing is everything on the opening lead!

Question 1

  Your Hand
 A 4 3 2
 Q 10 9
 K J 6 3
 J 7
Q: 1 - What do you lead when the weak hand is declarer and the dummy will display most of the high card points?

 Your choice:
A: 3 - When dummy has the majority of the high card points it is necessary to be attacking on the opening lead. We need to develop tricks before they do. Timing is everything. We do not lead a short suit when we hope to make a natural trump trick.

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Question 2

  Your Hand
 K 7 4
 5 4 3
 J 10 8 6
 9 8 2
Q: 2 - What do you lead when we expect the high card points to be in the dummy and declarer has shown one feature - either an outside Ace or a King?

* Asks for a feature

 Your choice:
A: 4- We know about a feature in declarer's hand being either the Ace or the King of diamonds, therefore we have a choice to lead either a club or a spade. We lead from what we have and not from what we do not have! We must make an aggressive lead to try to get our tricks before they get discards in other long suits.

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Question 3

  Your Hand
 A K 10 3
 9 8 7
 Q 6 5
 7 3 2
Q: 3 - What do you lead when partner overcalls after a Weak Two opening?

* Asks for a feature
** Shows a feature in the overcalled suit

 Your choice:
A: A- We lead the Ace to show partner we have Ace-King and THEN we switch to the 2 when we see the dummy. We switch back to a low card to show at least 3 cards in partner's suit. If we lead the 7, partner will think it is a doubleton and cannot get the correct count of declarer's hand.

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Question 4

  Your Hand
 A 5 3
 Q 8 5 4
 J 10 8 6
 4 3
Q: 4 - What do you lead without interference?

 Your choice:
A: 4- We know we have control of the trump suit, therefore we are required to build tricks before they can get a discard on long suits or by promotion. Hopefully partner has the Ace or the K so again, timing is everything!

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Question 5

  Your Hand
 K 5 4 3
 6 5 2
 10 9 8
 A K 5
Q: 5 - What do you lead when declarer shows either a fit in the opener's suit and wants to protect unsupported honors or a long running minor.
e.g. AQ8-KQ3-AQ6-9543 or e.g. A4-7-AKQ8765-Q32

 Your choice:
A: A- We lead our shorter suit to look at dummy and guide us whether to continue or not? Sometimes a short suit with two honors allows us to run that suit if partner is rated to have nothing. Often we find declarer with Qx and loses the first 5 or 6 tricks.

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