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 "Establishing Limits" by Marti Ronemus

Question: What has to happen before the bidding can end?
Answer: No, it's NOT "Three people have to pass." The answer is that someone must limit the size of their hand.

For example: I open 1. You, my long-suffering Pard, don't know if I have 12 pts. or 21 pts. And you won't, until I bid again. It usually takes TWO bids to show your hand when you open one of a suit.

As opener, your second bid will show if you are a minimum opener with 12-14/15 pts., or a medium with 16-18, or a maximum with 19-21.

And another exciting thing about limiting our hand. Once we do so, we are off the hook. Pard is in charge of figuring out where we belong. He will "Do the Math" adding his points to what we just showed, and he'll know where to park the car. How cool is that?

Let's practice.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 Q 9
 K Q J 4
 A 10 8 3
 8 4 3
Q: 1 - It's time for our rebid. As South?

 Your choice:
A: 2: We have a minimum opener, and we opened 1. Imagine our delight when Pard bids "our" suit (well, that's why we keep playing with him). We need a rebid that shows both a fit, and LIMITS our hand. Our rebid shows a Heart fit, and not a penny more than a terrible 15. It doesn't matter that we LOVE the suit. What matters is we need to show a MINIMUM hand. Easy peasy.

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Open Question

Warwick Center NY
2015 Boot Camps

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The retreat-like atmosphere will take you out of the busy world for renewal and bridge! Prepare to fall in love. Go to to check it out.

This is run by Road Scholar and all reservations must be made through them

Question 2

  Your Hand
 Q 9
 K Q J 4
 A K 8 3 2
 8 4
Q: 2 - ALMOST the same hand... but not quite. What now?

 Your choice:
A: 3: When Pard responds 1, we are forced to bid. Fortunately, we cannot wait! We've got 15 HCP (high card points) but now that we have a lovely trump fit with Pard, we get one extra point for each doubleton, giving us a total of 17 pts. We need to bid 3 to show an intermediate hand of 16-18. Do you see how important it is to LIMIT our hand? We cannot bid the same thing with 17 pts. that we bid with 12.

By the way, do you know why we didn't open 1 No-trump? We have nine cards in two suits. You shouldn't have that.

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Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 A Q
 K Q J 4
 A K 8 3 2
 8 2
Q: 3 - One more time. Now what?

 Your choice:
A: 4: We've got a monster. When Pard bids Hearts, we re-evaluate to 21 pts. We need to tell Pard. Then, what happens next is up to Pard. Now, an important point to make: Bidding 4 is NOT NOT NOT a shut-out bid. It is a LIMITING bid designed to show Pard our point count and shape. If there is a chance at slam, it is up to PARD to Do the Math and make the decision. You haven't ended the auction. You've LIMITED your hand. Do you get that?

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Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 K 10 6 2
 K 8 4
 K Q J 4 2
Q: 4 - Ready to try again? We're South:

 Your choice:
A: 3: Once again, Pard comes through with a fit for us. We've got an 18 pt. hand (don't forget points for the singleton), and need to show Pard that with our jump to the three-level to show 16-18 pts. Now, it's up to Pard to Do the Math. Our job is over.

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Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 K 10 6 2
 K 8 3
 K Q J 6
 9 7
Q: 5 - One last time. What do you say?

 Your choice:
A: 2: We have a minimum hand with a Spade fit. We tell Pard by making the smallest Spade bid we can. And the rest is up to Pard.

We're now going to play this hand, so we'll be switching places. We'll get to make the final decision and we get to live with it by playing it. What fun.

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