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 "American Ingenuity at Its Finest" After Transfers by Marti Ronemus

This week in 1938 the first shopping cart rolled out the front of the Humpty Dumpty Grocery Store in Oklahoma City. This now-ubiquitous gadget is one of those Blinding Glimpses of the Obvious we can't imagine life without. One wonders how the average housewife managed to tote all that food to the cash register without one.

Today we're going to look at another gadget we just can't imagine life without also. There are people who play bridge without transfers and manage to lead long productive lives. I'm not sure how, but they do. For us, though...

Just to review. When we have a five-card or longer major (we'll deal with minors another day), we bid the suit directly below the one we hold. That way, the No-trump opener will say the suit first and the big hand hidden, which is worth a half trick.

Let's see what happens next.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 J 9 8 7 6
 J 3 2
 K 10 9 8 7
Q: 1 - South:
--1 No-trumpp

*transfer to Spades

 Your choice:
A: Pass: With our 5 High Card Points, we need to think carefully. Pard may have only two Spades, so we sure don't want to rebid Spades. We certainly aren't going to open a new suit by bidding Diamonds and 3 No-trump is way too ambitious. Our cart is full.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
 A J 9 8 7 6
 J 3
 K 10 9 8 7
Q: 2 - South:
--1 No-trumpp

*transfer to Spades

 Your choice:
A: 4: This is more like it! We're guaranteed an eight-card fit, so we can add points to our 9 HCP for distribution, and we've got plenty for game. Pard has limited his hand and it's up to us to decide strain and level.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 K J 4
 A J 7 6 5
 K 10
 Q 9 4
Q: 3 - South:
--1 No-trumpp

*Transfer to Hearts

 Your choice:
A: 3 No-trump: We've got plenty of points for game, but aren't too sure where we belong. Last hand, we had six of the major, and know Pard had to have two, thusly the suit contract. This time, we're not so sure. We're going to bid 3 No-trump. Pard will know we only have five Hearts. If he has three, he'll correct the contract to 4. With only two, he'll let it settle in 3 No-trump.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 3 2
 A K 10 8 7
 K Q 9 8 7
Q: 4 - South:
--1 No-trumpp

*Transfer to Hearts

 Your choice:
A: 3: We have a dilemma. We belong in game, that much is for sure. But where? We could bid 3 No-trump, telling Pard we've got the points but not the sixth Heart. A better bet however, is to show our extreme shape by bidding the Clubs. Pard will know there's a reason we didn't bid No-trump. He'll know we are 5-5 or 5-4 and that we are insisting on game somewhere. Now it's HIS problem.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 K Q
 K 10 9 6 2
 K J 8
 Q J 4
Q: 5 - South:
--1 No-trumpp

*Transfer to Hearts

 Your choice:
A: 3 No-trump: We've only got five hearts so we know we need to show Pard we don't have six. The problem is, how high should we bid. Do we have slam? We look to be a tiny bit short. The real clincher tho' is that not all our points are working (look at the Spades). We could bid 4 No-trump, which would be quantitative, asking Pard to bid slam (either Hearts or No-trump) if he's at the top of his bid. Or we could use Gerber to ask for aces. But we just don't like this hand and think 3 No-trump is just fine. If you're feeling frisky give yourself credit for going further. What's the worst that can happen?

Let's try a hand before the wheels to our cart fall off.

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Open Question

Play this Hand

Now that you've bid five hands, let's see how your play goes.

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