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 Responding To A 1NT Opening by David Bird

In this quiz, we will look at the first response to a 1NT opening that shows 15-17 HCP.

In later quizzes, we will see the possible continuations after a 2 Stayman response, or a major-suit transfer bid.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 10 3
 A 9 7 2
 K J 6
 Q 10 7 5
Q: 1 - What response will you make?

 Your choice:
A: 2. Here, you have enough for game, yes, but which game will be best? If partner has four hearts with you, it will usually be better to play in 4 rather than 3NT.

Your 2 response is Stayman, asking for a 4-card major. 2 from partner will deny a 4-card major. 2 will show 4 hearts (and possibly 4 spades too). 2 will deny 4 hearts and show 4 spades. If partner does not show 4 hearts, you will bid 3NT at your next turn.

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Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
 A 10 6 4
 K 8 3 2
 7 5
 10 8 2
Q: 2 - Here, you hold both 4-card majors. What response will you make?

 Your choice:
A: Pass. With 7 HCP opposite 15-17, you are not strong enough to bid a game contract.

Perhaps you are tempted to respond 2, hoping that you will hear a 2 or 2 response and can then pass. It's not a good idea. If partner responded 2, you would be stuck. You could not retreat to 2NT because (a) this might be too high, and (b) such a sequence would invite partner to bid 3NT with a maximum.

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Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 A Q 7 4
 J 8 5 2
 Q 7 3
 9 6
Q: 3 - How will you respond to 1NT on this hand?

 Your choice:
A: 2. You have 9 HCP. On many such hands, you would insist on a game contract. Here, you have no 10s and are only strong enough for a game try. If partner has a 4-card major, you would like to make that suit trumps. So, respond with a Stayman 2.

If partner responds 2 or 2, raise him to the three-level. If he responds 2 instead, denying a major, you will bid 2NT. In both these cases, you will be inviting partner to bid game with an average or better hand.

A subsequent quiz will cover the possible continuations after an initial Stayman response.

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Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 10 7 3
 Q 9 8 2
 A 7 2
 A J 5
Q: 4 - What response will you make on this 11-count?

 Your choice:
A: 3NT. You have enough HCP for game. There might be a 4-4 heart fit. However, when you have 4-3-3-3 shape, it is better in the long run to raise directly to 3NT.

Hands of this shape have a high number of losers and it will often be easier to make 9 tricks in no-trump, rather than 10 in a 4-4 major fit. Also, you will avoid giving information to the defenders in the case where you do not have a 4-4 fit.

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Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 8 7 3
 J 9 7 6 2
 A 2
 J 9 3
Q: 5 - Now you have a 5-card major. What will you say when partner opens 1NT?

 Your choice:
A: 2. One of the best conventions ever invented is the transfer response to 1NT. You bid 2 to show at least 5 hearts, or 2 with at least five spades. Your partner will then rebid two of your indicated suit.

The advantages are: (1) The stronger hand (with 15-17 HCP) will play the contract. (2) The opening lead will run up to these high cards rather than through them. (3) After the opener has bid two of the long major, responder will have another chance to bid! So many more sequences become possible.

Here, you will pass when opener bids 2, as requested. A subsequent bidding quiz will cover the continuations after an initial transfer response.

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Open Question

Question 6

  Your Hand
 A Q 6
 K 8 7
 A J 8 4
 K 10 4
Q: 6 - What will you respond on this hand?

 Your choice:
A: 4NT. You have 17 HCP, so the combined total is 32-34 HCP. With 4-3-3-3 shape, you cannot expect a combined 32-count to provide good play for 6NT. You should therefore invite a slam by responding 4NT.

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Open Question

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