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 Reverse Rebids by David Bird

In this quiz, we will look at 'reverses'. What does that mean? It describes a rebid by the opener that carries the bidding beyond the safety level of two in his opening bid. So, if the bidding starts 1 - 1 - 2, the opener's rebid of 2 is a reverse; it is beyond the safety level of 2.

You will be West for all the problems.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 A 8
 10 3
 K Q J 8
 A K 7 6 2
Q: 1 - You open 1. What will you rebid?

 Your choice:
A: 2. When partner responds at the one-level, you need around 17 HCP or more to reverse. Such a rebid needs to show extra values, because it is forcing for one round. The bidding will therefore be carried higher than if you had rebid 1 or 2.

Here, you are happy to reverse. 2 shows both your shape and your strength perfectly.

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Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
 8 3
 10 4
 A K 6 5
 A Q 9 8 2
Q: 2 - Again, you open 1. What will you rebid this time?

 Your choice:
A: 2. You are not strong enough to reverse to 2, and must look for another bid. 1NT is not attractive when you hold such weak hearts, so you choose 2.

A few decades ago, some players used to open 1 on this type of hand, 'So I can rebid 2, partner.' This was a very poor idea. Partner would often give preference to 2 (with 3-3 shape in the minors, or even 2-3 shape) and they would end in the wrong trump suit. So, do not even think of opening 1!

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Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 A 3
 K Q 7 2
 A Q 10 7 6
 7 2
Q: 3 - Now your partner responds at the two-level. This shows more HCP than a one-level response. (Those who play the Two-over-One method go further, treating a two-level response as game-forcing. We will not assume that here.) Still, a two-level response is likely to be based on a hand with 11 or more HCP, sometimes a good 10 HCP.


 Your choice:
A: 2. A reverse opposite a two-level response is GAME-FORCING. You do not need quite as much to reverse as opposite a one-level response, but you are still showing more than a minimum, around 15 HCP or more. Here, you are just worth a reverse-bid of 2.

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Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 Q 4
 A K 9 7 2
 K 3
 K Q 7 6
Q: 4 - Again, partner has responded at the two-level. What will you rebid now?

 Your choice:
A: 3. This sort of rebid, at the three-level over a two-level response, is known as a 'high reverse'. As with all reverse bids, it shows extra values. It is game-forcing.

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Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 K Q 6 5
 A K Q 7 6
 A 8 3
Q: 5 - What action will you take here?

 Your choice:
A: 2. You will find players who say "There's no point bidding hearts, because partner has denied four hearts". Others may say, "Since I wouldn't show four hearts when there is no chance of a fit, 2 must show five hearts." There is no sense in either of these remarks.

You should rebid 2 to show what YOU have! Partner will then be well-placed to move towards the best final contract. If he continued with 2, for example, showing values in that suit, you could bid 3NT. If instead he bid 3, you would be worried about the weakness in spades, so far as no-trump was concerned. You might then head for 5 instead.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 6

  Your Hand
 Q 7 6
 K J 9 4
 A Q 8 7 3
Q: 6 - What is your rebid here?

 Your choice:
A: 2. If you had this shape and 17 points or more, you would reverse to 2, intending to show your 3-card heart support on the next round. On this weaker hand, easily the best action is to raise to 2 immediately.

If partner is weak and passes, a 4-3 heart fit will play splendidly with spade ruffs in your hand. If he has a good hand and bids again, he will have the space to determine whether you have 4-card or 3-card support. For example, he might bid 2NT or 3NT next, expecting you to revert to hearts if you have 4-card support.

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Open Question

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