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 Audible Auction by Ben Norton

Audible Auction

It’s important to take not only the thirteen cards in your hand, but also the bidding into consideration when you’re making your opening lead.

Try these five lead problems out from the South seat.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 10 2
 K 10 7 6
 Q 5 4
 Q J 6 2
Q: 1 - What do you think?

*5NT asked West to pick a slam

Pass6All pass

 Your choice:
A: 10. East must have five Clubs to justify his 5NT bid, offering 6 as an alternative to 6. You therefore have at least two slow winners to protect in the Club suit, and should lead a trump to cut down on dummy’s ruffs. Any red-suit tricks you’re owed can surely wait, and you’d be guessing as to which one to try anyway.

A trump lead held declarer to two Club ruffs in dummy; enough to set the slam when partner had K x x and a slow Diamond trick.

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Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
 10 9 8 6 5 3
 K 8 3
 Q 6
 10 6
Q: 2 - How do you interpret partner’s double?

Pass3NTDbleAll pass

 Your choice:
A: 3. This ‘out of the blue’ double, which can hardly be based on raw power after partner’s original pass, is Lightner, asking for an unusual lead. It typically asks for the lead of dummy’s first-bid suit in this scenario, certainly not the unbid suit (which you would tend to lead without the double). Partner probably has a good five-card Heart holding. Lead a low one to retain the K as a possible re-entry.

Partner had A J 10 x x and the A, so a Heart lead would net the first six tricks for a satisfying 500 penalty. Declarer had nine minor-suit winners ready to run.

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Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 A 7 5
 9 7 4 3
 8 3
 J 9 7 4
Q: 3 - East-West have taken the winding road.

*3 was fourth-suit forcing, asking for a stopper

Pass5All pass

 Your choice:
A: A. Your opponents have shown every suit apart from Spades. You’d think they would angle for 3NT if they had a Spade stopper, especially as it looks like they only have eight Diamonds between them. If that’s the case, partner must hold the K and you have at least two, maybe three Spades to cash. On any other lead, declarer might be able to pitch his losers.

Three Spade tricks were ripe for the taking, but only if you led one on the go.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 Q J 9
 9 6 3
 10 8 6
 K 10 8 6
Q: 4 - West is a passed hand. Does that mean you should go passive?

Pass3NTAll pass

 Your choice:
A: Q. West could still have as many as eleven points, but declarer’s resources are limited, suggesting you needn’t go all-out in your attack. Still, a major-suit lead is suggested on the auction, after East’s negative response to Stayman, and a Heart from x x x doesn’t rate to be dynamic enough.

A Spade represents the middle ground between safety and risk. If you hit partner’s long suit, it will be worthwhile. If not, the 9 might save you from giving away a trick.

A Heart lead would give the whole suit away as partner had K J x over dummy’s Q 10 8 x. A Spade or Diamond would work fine on the layout.

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Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 Q J 8 3
 K Q 10 7 3
 K Q 5
Q: 5 - You surely have the best hand at the table. Still, your second double was far from clear.

DbleAll pass

 Your choice:
A: A. You have the side-suits sewn up and can expect the contract to fail unless declarer takes multiple ruffs. Try to cut down on these by leading the A. You hope partner can get in for another trump play. This will also give you a look at dummy and a better idea of which suit to play at trick two.

A trump lead, followed by a Club shift to partner’s Ace and a trump continuation, would prevent a second Heart ruff in dummy and the contract would fail.

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