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 Bermuda Bowl Best Bits by Ben Norton

Bermuda Bowl Best Bits

The 45th World Teams Championships were held recently in Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy.

Try your hand at these five opening lead problems from the open event, the prestigious Bermuda Bowl. You’ll be sitting South.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 K J 8 7 5 2
 J 3 2
 10 6 4 2
Q: 1 - What’s your plan?

Pass4All pass

 Your choice:
A: 2. You hope to score a Club ruff or two, but partner might not know you have a void. Clue him in by leading an unusual Spade spot, specifically the 2. You have shown six Spades in the bidding, so this can scarcely be fourth-highest. Partner will instead interpret it as a suit-preference signal for Clubs.

A Spade lead established a Spade trick for your side, and partner soon provided a ruff when in on the K. He could not be denied his K for the fourth defensive trick.

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Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
 A Q 10 8 3
 9 4 2
 J 8 4
 10 7
Q: 2 - Will you lead your agreed suit?

*2NT showed a good four-card Spade raise

All pass

 Your choice:
A: 2. A Spade attack can surely wait. Even if there are two tricks to take, partner will gain the lead for a Spade switch, which may be necessary to pick off declarer’s K. You could try a Club lead, angling for a ruff, but given you don’t have a control card in trumps, that’s unlikely to come to fruition. Your best bet is to lead a trump, which won’t give anything away and might cut down on declarer’s ruffs.

On the full deal, a trump lead and continuation was necessary to hold declarer to one Spade ruff in dummy and defeat the game.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 6 4 3 2
 K Q 10 3
 A K 10
 J 3
Q: 3 - An everyday auction.

Pass3NTAll pass

 Your choice:
A: K. You can’t count on partner for much, but as little as the J might suffice, or perhaps just four small Hearts with the J falling doubleton. A Heart lead looks best, aiming to set up tricks, and you ought to lead the K. There isn’t much risk of blocking the suit when you have two outside entries, and you may need to pin the J in an opponent’s hand.

A top Heart lead found declarer with A J doubleton and partner with x x x x. You could thus score three Hearts and two Diamonds by laying down the Q when you came in on the K.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 7 4 3
 J 5 4
 A J 8 7 6 5
Q: 4 - You can see two likely tricks. Where might the third come from?

*2NT was Unusual, showing at least five cards in each red suit

All pass

 Your choice:
A: A. It may well be necessary to cash your Club trick, or tricks, on the go before declarer gets dummy’s Clubs away on the Spades. You could lay down the A to get a look at dummy, but that might cost a crucial tempo, or perhaps even resolve a trump guess for declarer. Try the A.

The A would be greeted by the bare King in dummy and the Queen from partner, an obvious singleton. A Club continuation, followed by a third Club when in on the A, would ensure partner could eventually overruff dummy with the doubleton J for one down.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 8 5 2
 10 8 3
 J 6 5
 K Q 10 2
Q: 5 - Time for a conventional auction.

*1 is opened on any weak no-trump without a five-card major, so East could have as few as two Clubs. 2 showed a balanced game-forcing hand without a major

All pass

 Your choice:
A: 8. Pretend your opponents have bid 1NT-3NT, suggesting that dummy has length in the minors. You could still lead the K, but at least one of dummy or declarer rates to have Clubs here. Try a major suit, and since partner could have doubled 2 but didn’t, a Heart is your best bet, specifically the 8 (second-highest from a bad suit).

A Heart struck gold when partner had K J x x x over dummy’s Q 9 doubleton. The lead set up four tricks to go with partner’s A entry. On any other start, declarer would have enough time to establish his Spades.

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Open Question

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