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 "Book Learning" by Marti Ronemus

Most of us have noticed the Library of Congress number on the books we've bought and read. But just what is the Library of Congress? In a word -- HUGE!! In fact, it's the biggest library in the world.

The (partial) mission of the LOC is to preserve the knowledge and wisdom contained in the written word. It holds 16,000,000 books and 120,000,000 other artifacts, like movies, CDs and even ancient Chinese wood-block prints. That, my Faithful Readers, involved 823 miles of bookshelves! Imagine! It also employs 3,149 full-time people. For those of us who love the written word, this is paradise!

One can't help but wonder how many of those miles of shelves are devoted to bridge books. Hmmm.

Let's see if we can draw on the wisdom of the world to solve this quiz.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 K J 9 8 7
 A J 4 3 2
 K 8
Q: 1 - South:

 Your choice:
A: 1: We love entering this auction. If the opponents do end up with the contract, we have quite the zinger for them. Pard rates to be short on Hearts, and if we have a fit in Spades, life will be good.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
 3 2
 A 10 8 7
 9 8 7
 K Q J 9
Q: 2 - South:

 Your choice:
A: Pass: We can't double. We can't make an overcall at the two-level with only a four-card suit. We can't bid No-trump with two "naked" suits. Rats.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 8 4
 A J 2
 K J 10 8 3
 A K 7
Q: 3 - South:

 Your choice:
A: 1 No-trump: Unlike the last hand, we have BOTH their suits stopped. We do have one "naked" suit, but... Our other real option is 2, but don't you think 1 No-trump is more descriptive? Let's await further developments. We can bet Pard is hitting the books to help us.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 K J 9 4
 6 5 4 3
 5 4 3
 Q J
Q: 4 - South:

 Your choice:
A: 2: Someone is trying to trick us here. East's delayed support is a weak attempt to balance. We've got more than Pard might expect, as we would have bid 1 with zero points. Pard is marked with no more than two Hearts. We paid to play. Don't let them trick us out of our rightful contract.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 Q 9 4 3 2
 J 8 2
 5 4 3
 3 2
Q: 5 - South:

 Your choice:
A: Pass: Same auction, but much different hand. Yes, we've got a nine-card Spade fit, but Pard rates now to have three Hearts and our hand is really rotten. Pass and live to fight another day.

And now, on to our hand.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Play this Hand

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