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 Do you want to play game? by Bobby Wolff

What do you think about these five sequences?

Do you want to play game?

If not, where do you want to compete to when opponents get in the way? See how you fare.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 A 10 5
 Q J 10 9
 K 10 9 7 5
Q: 1 - What do you bid next as South?

 Your choice:
A: 2: Of course this is too good for a pass, so it seems obvious to raise clubs here. But this hand is still too good for a simple raise to three clubs -- you would make that call if the spade ace were the jack or queen. If you trust your partner, you should bid two spades -- a call that shows values like this. You cannot have spades since you bypassed the suit at your first turn.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
 5 4
 A Q 7
 Q 8 6 2
 J 8 6 3
Q: 2 - What is your call as South?

 Your choice:
A: 3: Facing a partner you can trust, the most likely problem you have here is whether to compete beyond three clubs if the opponents find a heart or spade fit at the three-level. Your choice is between a simple raise to three clubs and a two-heart cue-bid to show about a limit raise. I would take the cautious position and let partner take it from there. To do more, I'd need maybe a red king in place of one of the queens.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 J 10 9 7 4
 K J 6 3
 K Q 5
Q: 3 - What do you bid next as South?

 Your choice:
A: 3: I cannot guarantee that your side can make game here. But the combination of your singleton spade and weak hearts facing a likely shortage (partner did not make a support double) means that your values appear to be working well and your spade shortage will surely prove useful. I would jump to three spades as a splinter agreeing clubs.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 J 7 3
 A 10 6 2
 A Q J 8 5
Q: 4 - What is your next call as South?

 Your choice:
A: Double: Despite holding a minimum opening bid, you must reopen with a double here. This shows short hearts and lets partner describe his hand accurately. I expect partner has a penalty double of one heart -- don't you? Yes, the opponents might have missed a game, but that isn't terribly likely.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 A Q J 8 4
 A 7 6 5
 K 8 4
Q: 5 - What do you rebid as South?

 Your choice:
A: Redouble: I would start by redoubling, rather than bidding my suits, planning to double them if they escape to a minor. If my partner doubles the opponents' escape to two hearts, I would sit for it. If two hearts comes around to me, I suppose I will bid three diamonds.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Play this Hand

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